
Building the Academic Schedule

  1. The schedule from the current year is rolled to the next academic year to provide a starting point in the schedule setup.
  2. 滚动的时间表, 安排备忘录, 和 schedule worksheet are sent to academic departments for revision. 在这个阶段, departments mark classes to be canceled that will not be offered, make adjustments to section details that will be offered, or complete the schedule worksheet for new sections that need to be created.
  3. Schedules should be submitted to Deans' Offices for approval 和/or data entry into Banner.
  4. After schedules are entered into Banner, departments have an opportunity to review it for any updates. Updates are again submitted to Deans' Offices for approval 和/or data entry. Departments can use the 安排档案 for this review process.
  5. The 民政事务总署 注册商 sends the memo for room requests. This is the last opportunity for departments to make adjustments to the schedule. If departments have seminar or lab spaces that they maintain, they should place as many of their classes into those spaces before asking for general academic space.

The 民政事务总署 注册商 reserves the right to ask departments to volunteer to adjust schedules if more classes are scheduled in a specific time slot than there are rooms available on campus.

Once rooms are assigned, departments should use the Schedule of Classes for reviewing all course updates.


The 安排档案 presents summary schedule information for departmental planning purposes.

注意: Students should not use the 安排档案 for registration planning.

Schedule archives limitations

The archive does not show important section information such as fees, multiple instructors, 课程属性, waitlist information, topics course descriptions, or important notes such as information about travel requirements associated with a section.

Schedules for future terms may include many inaccuracies at various points in the year as the schedule information is developed from base information of previous terms.

View 安排档案.