
DU's undergraduate transfer policy relies predominantly on three factors to determine the transferability of undergraduate credit — the subject matter, 已取得课程成绩及转学单位. 每一个因素, along with credit hour equivalency determination 和 additional considerations covered by the policy, 下面将进一步详细解释.


通常, courses taken in baccalaureate disciplines likewise offered at the 澳门威尼斯人官网 are readily transferable. Credits from professional 项目 will be examined on a course-by-course basis 和 are often transferable. 然而, 职业或职业科目的课程是, 在一般情况下, 未经部门批准不得转让. Applicability to the student's degree program 和 comparability to an existing 澳门威尼斯人官网 course may also be used as determining factors for acceptance or denial of transfer credit.


Only courses with an earned grade of C-minus or better (1.7 or above on a four-point scale) are eligible for transfer. 转移 grades are not included in DU GPAs 和 cannot be used to reduce DU grade-point deficiencies.

Credits earned as pass/fail can be transferred only as elective credits. They do not apply to specific degree requirements other than total hours for graduation 和 the University must determine the passing grade is equivalent to C-minus or better.


  • 国内机构

    Credit will be considered for courses taken at 机构 with accreditation from agencies recognized by the U.S. 教育部. Credits are more readily accepted from collegiate 机构 with regional accreditation, although credits earned at collegiate 机构 with national or special accreditation will also be considered on a course-by-course basis, provided they meet the subject matter requirements outlined above. Institutions granted official c和idacy status by a regional accrediting association are accorded equal consideration to those that are fully accredited.

  • 外国机构

    Credit will be considered for courses taken at foreign 机构 of higher education that are formally recognized by their country's Ministry of Education. The same general considerations apply for course content 和 grades as they do for U.S. 机构.

  • 两年的机构

    Credit from two-year 机构 is generally considered lower-division, although advanced courses from two-year 机构 may be considered upper-division if validated by the appropriate departments. The maximum number of credits that may be transferred from two-year 机构 is 96 quarter hours.

  • 出国留学

    Credit earned in affiliated study abroad 项目 is counted as resident credit. Credit earned in unaffiliated study abroad 项目 is treated as foreign institution transfer credit 和 subject to this policy.

  • 军事课程

    Military courses documented through Army/American Council on Education Registry Transcript System (AARTS), DD Form 295: "应用程序 for the Evaluation of Learning Experiences During Military Service" or DD Form 214: "Armed Forces of the United States Report of 转移 or Discharge" may be eligible for transfer consideration. Military courses must be validated by the department with which the subject matter is most closely aligned.

最大转学学时 & 居住要求

  • A maximum of 135 quarter hours of credit may be transferred. The final 45 credits must be earned at the 澳门威尼斯人官网.
  • At least half of the credit hours required for majors 和 minors must be completed at the 澳门威尼斯人官网.
  • At least half of the credit hours required for undergraduate business degrees must be completed at the 澳门威尼斯人官网.


Continuing students must receive approval in advance to transfer credits. DU students may not enroll concurrently at other 机构 without prior permission.


  • 教学方法

    转移 credit may be denied based on inequivalent instruction methodologies to those in use at the 澳门威尼斯人官网. This especially may apply to online 和 distance courses, 虽然它们并没有被严格限制.

  • AP & IB最高学分

    A maximum of 45 quarter hours can be awarded for all AP 和 IB credit.

  • 清晰度的协议

    The 澳门威尼斯人官网 may enter into transfer articulation agreements with other 机构 as deemed mutually beneficial. Such agreements are administered by the 民政事务总署 注册商 和 include transfer course guides. DU may establish transfer course guides independent of formal articulation agreements.